1st Jun 

Psychology Today 

When We Love Something We Make Efforts To Reach At A Level So That We Can Attain Our Wish We Work Hard At Former We Feel Happy When We Receive it But As Time passes we always know that this is always gonna be with you no matter whatever happens as we had  made efforts at former to achieve that But Not a consistent Effort 
In the era We are all feeling fresh and ready to sacrifice to reach at a level so that we can achieve our desire .
As soon as we achieve it we begin scolding our achievements by sayings that we did  (all the sacrifices ,prayers,efforts ...and so on ).

And Till The End of our life we are screaming and scolding to the dream we had dreamt for .

Why ?

Is it necessary ?

We all have rights to our achievement but Only when consistent efforts are taken by a desired person .

It occurs with everyone in every situation in every field whether it's a love ,business ,degree, certification ...............

We are happy to Set up a business and ready to work hard no.sooner we achieve our goal we are motivated to work more and make great efforts .

In the end we are fed with it we feel sad we feel frustrating and always scolding our achievement itself .

Why ?

You should always feel happy with what you do whether you sacrifice or no whether you don't get it or you receive it .

Happiness is when you make a consistent Effort to create a happiness within you and leaving back that 10% of your sacrifice which always comes in between your happiness .

Happiness is a consequence of personal effort.
The source of happiness is within us though  negative thoughts, anxieties ,fears prevents us from positive psychology ................

We all have to remove the negative layers of thoughts that hide within us 
In this Era We must always choose to be Happy ,Being happy within ourselves simply means showing mercy to ourselves, forgiving ourselves, befriending ourselves, accepting ourselves, and loving ourselves. It’s a lifelong journey that requires regular self-examination and an ongoing process of making peace with ourselves. It means discovering what makes us unhappy and choosing to live in peace. It means treating ourselves with compassion and kindness. It makes us to begin to enjoy life more and more and celebrate it as adventure in peace. It helps us to live life to the fullest, and help make the world a better place for us and others.



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